Friday, January 25, 2008

007 Returns in... Quantum of Solace?

The new Daniel Craig Bond film has officially been named. The result? Quantum of Solace. Wha? That's right, Quantum of Solace. Apparently the name was an Ian Fleming original, taken from a short story that was part of the "For Your Eyes Only" anthology. Authentic or not, it still makes no sense. Literally translated into normal-people language, "quantum of solace" means "a particular amount of comfort in sorrow or distress." I prefer the physics definition, which would give us "an indivisible entity of energy yielding comfort in sorrow or distress," or something like that. What happened to the good old days of Dr. No, Goldfinger, Thunderball, and Goldeneye? Regardless of its meaning, Quantum of Solace should give us 007 delivering particular amounts of comfort to a few distressed Bond girls, combined with a significant amount of indivisibly energetic ass-kicking.


Anonymous said...

If only we had Dr. Christmas around to analyze the title for us.

Anonymous said...

P, do you realize Christmas only comes once a year?

Anonymous said...

Haven't seen the film yet but lots of people are is more Jason Bourne than James Bond