Monday, July 30, 2007

The Simpsons Movie

Since I'm by no means a die-hard fan of the series, my opinion may not reflect the feelings of millions of Simpsonphiles who waited 18 long years for a big-screen "adaptation." However, I'd say that The Simpsons Movie met my expectation for laughs, even if it was little more than three Simpsons episodes duct taped together. (The screenwriters turn this fact into a gag at one point by throwing up a "To Be Continued... Immediately" message.) The wide screen format allowed the creators to fit nearly every Springfield resident in the frame at one time (for example, during the angry mob scene). However, the movie gives short shrift to many of the show's most popular characters. Krusty? Principal Skinner? I guess we'll have to wait for the sequel.

I was disappointed that the screenwriters couldn't come up with a more epic plot. Something along the lines of "Who shot Mr. Burns?" would have been more interesting to me than another "Homer puts his family/town/self in harm's way" story. Also, haven't the writers used the whole "The Simpsons are moving to _____!" plot about a hundred times? However, as I mentioned, the movie had some hilarious moments. ("Spider-Pig" = my personal favorite. The naked skateboarding scene was a close second.)

My "no comedies in the theater" mantra is becoming more of a guideline than a hard-and-fast rule, but as with Knocked Up, I have to recommend a trip to the multiplex for a viewing of The Simpsons Movie. 2 PB Jars

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