I'm not talking about The Fugitive or similar films that maybe shot a scene or two around St. Patty's events, and I'm certainly not considering the innumerable Leprechaun slasher flicks, which probably surpass even Hostel 2 on the "embarrassment to film making" scale. What I want to see is a quality film themed around St. Patrick's Day. Halloween, Christmas, the 4th of July, Easter, and Thanksgiving all get the silver screen treatment. Why not St. Patrick's Day? Am I missing one?

While possibly only tangentially related, we could put "Celtic Pride" on the list... :-)
Checking IMDB I'm coming up with nothing. While Irish themed I don't think Boondocks deals specifically with St. Pat's day.
Update: Apparently there was a 1997 movie called St. Patrick's Day: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120191/
I assume the movie is about St. Patrick's Day...
Then of course there is the 1905 black and white 3 minute movie titled 'St. Patrick's Day Parade, Lowell, Mass.': http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0337236/
I don't think B should have taken Leprechaun off the table so hastily...
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