Growing up I always loved Thanksgiving, and not just for the usual reasons (food, football, and more food). FX used to run a "viewers' choice" X-Files marathon each Thanksgiving day. One year I was even ambitious enough to tape about 10 hours of quality episodes.
To my happy surprise today, FX has taken a page from its own book - and from fellow cable nets like TBS - by running Home Alone back-to-back-to-back-to...well, you get the picture. I don't know about you but I just can't get enough of Buzz "I wouldn't let you sleep in my room if you were growing on my ass!" McAllister. Meanwhile, AMC is airing the complete Godfather saga and SyFy is deep into the James Bond collection. It's enough to make me wonder: What is the best holiday TV marathon ever?
Here's my personal list - and I'd be interested to see what your opinions/additions are:
4. Christmas A Christmas Story marathon, TBS (2000's)
3. Thanksgiving Home Alone marathon, FX (2009)
2. Thanksgiving The X-Files marathon, FX (circa 1996-1998)
1. New Year's Day The Twilight Zone marathon, SyFy (current)