Thursday, July 17, 2008

Welcome Back, Carter

Audio and photos from an X-Files panel I attended tonight at the SoHo Apple Store in Manhattan:

I asked X-Files creator Chris Carter a question during the Q&A:
Who would Scully and Mulder vote for in the 2008 presidential election?

(Hint: Mulder likes a candidate who has publicly discussed his belief in UFOs.
Fast forward to marker 2:18 below to hear Carter's full answer.)

Frank Spotnitz (producer and co-writer of The X-Files: Want to Believe)
and Chris Carter were quite amused by my question.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The New Face of Two Face

Before the long-awaited reveal of Aaron Eckert's deformed Two Face this Friday, you may be tempted (as I was) to rewatch Tommy Lee Jones' take on the character in Batman Forever.


This montage should be all you need to see:

Down with Joel Schumacher! Long live Christopher Nolan!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Trailer of the Month: College

It's like Hollywood isn't even trying anymore. If this "film" weren't dumb enough, it also stars "American Idol" finalist/cougar bait Kevin Covais at his "Chicken Little" best.

College is officially on my list of "movies that require sneaking a forty into the theater to enjoy".